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Manoa Recipes


The purpose of this application is to provide college students (on-campus or off) easy access to learn and share recipes that:


The goal of this site is to help improve the nutritional content and variety of foods eaten by students and help them limit the use of vending machines or fast food products by providing tasty, realistic alternatives.

There are three roles in this system: students, vendors, and admins.

Students can both search for and contribute recipes. Recipes not only include the typical description of how to prepare the food and a picture of the completed food, but also information on where to obtain each ingredient and how much each ingredient costs. The recipe also indicates typical dietary restrictions for students (vegan, gluten-free, etc.).

Students do not necessarily have to determine the price associated with each item. Instead, there is another interface to the system for vendors. Vendors (local grocery stores and/or farmer’s markets) can login and establish a profile including their location and hours. Then, for each ingredient defined in the system, they can indicate:

From this information, the system can automatically calculate for each recipe:

Information on ingredient price and availability can be contributed either by vendors or by students.

There is also an admin role. Admins can edit all content in the system, remove inappropriate content, and establish users as having the vendor role.

Deployed Page

Here is a link to our deployed page.

Developer Guide

  1. Install Meteor
  2. Download a copy of Manoa Recipes.
  3. cd into the app directory and download the required libraries with: $meteor npm install
  4. Once the libraries are installed, you can run the application by invoking: $meteor npm run start
  5. You can run ESLint over the code in the imports directory with: $meteor npm run lint

NOTE: the first time you run the app, it will create some default users and data.

User Guide

Landing Page

When you first bring up the application, you will see the landing page that provides a brief introduction to Manoa Recipes. landing page

Sign In

Click on “Login”, then on “Sign In” to bring up the Sign In page. This will allow you to login to the application. sign in page

Sign Up

If you do not yet have an account, you can register by clicking on “Login”, then “Sign Up.” You have the option of registering as either a regular user or a vendor. Depending on which role you choose, different features will be available to you. sign up page

User Home Page

After successfully logging in, you now have access to your home page featuring a randomly selected recipe. You now also have access to the Add Recipe, List Recipe, Vendor and your Profile pages. user home page

Add Recipe Page

Clicking on the Add Recipe link allows you to add your own recipe to the application. add recipe page

List Recipe Page

Clicking on the List Recipe link brings up a page that lists all of the recipes uploaded to the application. list recipe page

Recipe Description

Clicking on one of the recipe cards will bring up the instruction page for that particular recipe. recipe description

Search Page

Users can filter recipes by certain ingredients. search page

Vendor Page

Clicking on the Vendor link brings up a page that lists all of the vendors currently registered in the application. list vendor page

User Profile Page

If you are a user, you have access to a user profile page that lists your allergies and whether you’re vegan and/or gluten-free. user profile page

Edit User Profile

From the User Profile page, you can click “Edit” to alter the information shown in your profile. edit user profile page

Vendor Profile Page

If you are a vendor, you have access to a vendor profile page that lists your address, hours and the products you sell. vendor profile page

Edit Vendor Profile

Just as with any regular user, vendors can update their information through this page. edit vendor profile page

Admin Mode

It is possible to designate one or more users as “Admins” through the settings file. When a user has the Admin role, they have access to a special Admin page that lists all of the data uploaded to the application (ex. ingredients, profiles, etc). admin page



Github action


Community Feedback

Generally, users praised the ease of use for new users and liked the design of our application. However, they also said some items were too crowded or too small/difficult to read comfortably.


GitHub Organization

Team Contract
